"A page-turning thriller about a renowned doctor who’s accused of being a serial killer. As a retired doctor, Thornton adds a lot of enlightening detail to the practice of medicine. Thornton is clearly a strong thriller writer and does a good job at balancing description, character, dialogue and suspense. This is bestseller-style writing, which asks a number of interesting questions." Self-Publishing Review
Woah, Loved this book! Totally different from what I normally read, but superb writing and an unpredictable plot that keeps you guessing totally won me over! When I started reading this book, “The Peril Protocol” by Robert Thornton, I just didn't want to stop until I’d read the whole thing. There are so many great characters (good and bad) and the suspense throughout the book just keeps building and building and kept me wanting to read more……. Kept me totally hooked the whole way. Really liked the medical element (the author is a Doctor and clearly knows his stuff), and the dialogue was authentic and the narrative tight. Hope and Peril make for interesting MC’s, and I was surprised and happy with how it all wrapped up. Recommend the book to those that enjoy a good thriller that is dark and unpredictable. Great writing, and will be sure to look for more from Robert Thornton in the future. (5 stars) Jenna Brewster
Warning…when starting this book make sure you don’t have anywhere you need to be or anything you need to do because you won’t want to stop reading until you’ve finished it all!! Trust me on this! The book starts off with a shocking, unforgettable beginning and just keeps going from there. The characters were nicely developed and completely genuine… Really nice balance between the dialogue and the narrative and overall the pacing was good… but towards the end I was turning the pages of my kindle as fast as I could, and had several “oh my God” moments. Liked the short chapters as it made it seem even faster. Great job of weaving in the complex storylines in a way that keeps us guessing, but isn’t too convoluted. Liked seeing the action from various perspectives, including the killer’s. “The Peril Protocol” by Robert Thornton is a well written, crazy, twisted, intense thriller that will appeal to fans of the genre. (4-5 stars) Stacy Decker
Okay, I do not even know where to begin because so much happens and I don’t want to give anything away… “The Peril Protocol” by author Robert Thornton is one of the most original and just flat out interesting mystery/thriller/suspense novels I’ve ever read. I liked it for so many different reasons, first the writing was great. The strong word choice and fluid prose makes it a very easy book to lose yourself in. There are enough descriptions where you can picture everything perfectly, but not so much that it bogs down the pacing. I wish I knew what the characters looked like better though, because some of them I had hard time keeping straight. I liked that there were things I haven’t seen in other books like this before, especially the mix between a medical mystery, a killer, a romance, and some *very* interesting characters, to say the least. Will be looking for more from Mr. Thornton—happy to see he has another book available. Recommend for adults as there is some language and mature content. (4-5 stars) Claire Middleton
Let the bodies hit the floor! Yikes! Okay this book is not for the faint of heart or easily spooked… it is downright creepy and at times quite disturbing. So if you are into that (and I totally am) then this is the book for you! I will say that it did take me some time to get into this book… although it starts off with an inciting incident, it slows afterwards as the author worked more on the characters and the situations, rather than the drama… but then it starts to build at a slow simmer, leading to a full-on boil that is quite exciting. I LOVED the medical backdrop and the author did a great job with the details there that made it really feel authentic. It is clear he knows what he is talking about. So many twists and turns, and the pace is lightning fast, and with short brisk chapters that just make you want to read just one more… and then another… then another… Addicting reading, with a satisfying (and bittersweet) ending, and I look forward to more from Robert Thornton. (4 stars) Anabella Johnson
“The Peril Protocol” is compelling read, and one that will definitely appeal to fans of thriller/mystery/suspense novels. I was really impressed with the quality of the writing, both in content and execution. The storyline was extremely tight, focused, and fast-paced. Maybe it was the shorter chapters, but I literally did not want to stop reading the whole time, and the story moved seamlessly from one event and chapter perspective to another without any sort of confusion or slowing down. The dialogue flowed well and moved the plot forward nicely, sparing us of the dreaded “telling” that so many authors tend to do. We feel like we are a part of the book and we really connect with the characters. Enjoyed Peril, Allerd, and Clive (and others…) and thought the medical angle was a great addition to an already exciting, intelligent plot. Just gave it more of a unique feel than just a typical serial killer mystery. Perfect editing (I notice and appreciate this) and an entertaining read. Recommend for fans of thriller/suspense who’d like a new twist. (5 stars) Kaylee Stevens
From the opening pages of “The Peril Protocol” I knew it would be different from the books I’ve been reading lately and I was right! Mr. Thornton sets of the scene and characterizations in a skillful way that not only pulls us in right away, but creates great visualizations and elicits emotional investments which is pretty rare for me in reading a murder thriller. Usually it’s all about the adrenaline, and while this book delivers that, it also has a softer side, and an intellectual component that makes us connect on a deeper level, I think. I truly cared about the characters’ fates, and was shocked and saddened at certain things (no spoilers). An interesting and diverse cast of characters (Peril and Hope especially are great leads), along with several intriguing plotlines interwoven against unique setting makes this a memorable read for me. Highly recommend. (5 stars) Essie Harmon
Fatal Impact Book Reviews
Jared Burch is about to become a household name. As an experimental physicist for Tyler Industries he and his partner have just completed a project that will change everything we think about how the universe works, but first he has to take a plane ride to Houston and try and scrounge up further funding. Unfortunately, the plane crashes and Jared’s body is never found among the wreckage.
Marion Burch is one of the best defense lawyers in Alabama, but that hasn’t helped her crumbling marriage. When she finds the divorce papers her husband Jared hid in his nightstand she recommits to making their marriage work. Hours after winning her latest case Marion finds out that Jared’s plane crashed and no survivors have been found. Not only has she lost her husband, but now she is being accused of insider trading. Just when things couldn’t get any worse she starts to get weird phone calls from someone who sounds just like Jared.
Marion is thrust into a conspiracy that could cost her her career and life if she doesn’t find a way to prove her innocence.
Fatal Impact is a fast-paced thriller that will keep the reader guessing at every turn of the page. Author Robert Thornton has skillfully written a mystery that is both cerebral and emotive. Thornton has really done his homework as this story requires him to teach the reader about quantum mechanics, mathematics and neurobiology. Seeing as I had to take physics multiple times in college, I appreciate and applaud Thornton’s efforts and feel he did a great job of making complex theories understandable and interesting.
In addition to the well written science, I have to admit that I loved Marion and felt that she was a strong, brave and attentive character that I am proud to have represent woman kind. Throughout all the chaos that was thrown at her she still managed to put her chin up and battle on.
If you love a good mystery mixed with action and surprises, then you want to read this book.
Cornelius, OR 97113 Fatal Impact By Robert Thornton CreateSpace, $9.99, 402 pages
Just ten minutes after takeoff, Jared Burch’s plane crashes. Although there are no survivors, Jared’s remains are missing from the crash site. But is Jared really dead? When his wife Marion hears his voice on her answering machine asking for help, she sets out on a life changing journey to discover answers. So begins Fatal Impact, Robert Thornton’s new eBook. Fans of science fiction and thrillers will enjoy this story about the fate of a missing physicist and the advanced technology he created which falls into the hands of terrorists.
Thornton knows how to successfully write a thrilling scene. He teases his audience just enough to keep them reading to find out more. His chapters are very short and switch between characters, locations, chases, fights and conversations. There is little chance that a reader will get bored.
“Before you stands the greatest means of travel since the Wright Brothers’ discovery of flight.”
Thornton’s detailed descriptions of the physical attributes of his characters are excessive and distracting. It is clear that he wants readers to know that his main characters are African American. But his mention of nearly every person’s weight (i.e. “an overweight white trooper with a paunch twice as large…and a couple of chins”) doesn’t enhance the plot in any way and becomes tedious and repetitive.
Readers who can overlook these passages are in for a treat. Thornton’s book is one part FBI vs. terrorist thriller, one part quantum mechanics sci-fi, one part romance and an overall captivating read until the last page.